Acces & mobility

Whether on foot, mountain bike, touring or cycling, the hikes presented on Vercors Rando are accessible by public transport. To discover them, simply check "Accessible by public transport" in the more criteria tab when you are on the map. The bus stops are indicated on the map of the circuits concerned.

Good mobility plans
Use the regional route calculator:

Consider carpooling with Mov'Ici

Hitchhiking, thanks to RézoPouce

Choose a car-free mountain outing offered by the Parc du Vercors and mountain Wilderness.


Lans Taxi

Vercors Sud Transport

Taxi Bouzac

Taxi Johann PIGE


Altitude Taxi

La Galochère / Autrans

Chemin des Eglantines / Villard de lans
38250 - 38880 Villard de Lans - Autrans

06 85 42 40 66


Download the map :

Whether by car, train or plane, the Vercors massif is easily accessible. Connections from the airports of Lyon St Exupéry, Grenoble St Geoirs and the Sncf stations of Grenoble and Valence facilitate your travels. Find here all the useful information to prepare your stay in the Vercors.

By bike
- From Chambery, you can take Véloroute 63 to reach Grenoble and access the Vercors.

- From Valence or the ViaRhôna, the easiest way is to take Véloroute 63 to Saint-Nazaire-en-Royans.

The Vélodrôme also connects to the ViaRhôna (south of Valence, towards Livron)

By train
TGV lines allow you to quickly reach the major gateway towns of the Vercors: Grenoble and Valence.

Paris-Grenoble: 3 hours
Paris - Valencia: 2 hours
Marseilles - Valencia: 1 hour
Book your train tickets online at

By car
Arriving from the north, take the A48 motorway to Voreppe, towards Villard-de-Lans, or via Seyssinet, towards Saint-Nizier-du Moucherotte.

Coming from the south, take the A47 motorway towards Valence. Then exit Die or Crest to access the south of Vercors, or take the A49 to Saint-Nazaire-en-Royans to access Royans, or exit at Veurey to access the north of the massif (Lans-en-Vercors).

From Paris: 6 hours, 590 km
From Geneva: 2h15, 200 km
From Brussels: 8 hours, 850 km
From Marseille: 3 hours, 280 km
From Nice: 4h30, 440 km

By bus
From Grenoble station, reach the Vercors thanks to the road links with Itinisère.

Line T64 Grenoble - Villard-de-Lans via Engins
Line T65 Grenoble - Lans-en-Vercors via St-Nizier
These 2 lines are equipped with bicycle racks.

From Valence, you can reach the Dromoise part of the Vercors with Sradda.

In winter :

From Valence TGV, reach the Vercors resorts in 1h30: info and reservations

From Grenoble, reach the resorts with Transaltitude