The Pas de l'Allier and the Pas des Voûtes Pas de l'Allier et le Pas des Voûtes

The Pas de l'Allier and the Pas des Voûtes Pas de l'Allier et le Pas des Voûtes

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Follow the footsteps of the old mule tracks, which once linked the plateau of Vercors to the lower valley of the Bourne.

This hike offers a beautiful panorama of the two "big canyons" of the Vercors.
After a first part in undergrowth, the Pas de l'Allier and its magnificent panorama is offered to you. The hike then becomes a little more technical with notably the crossing of the Pas des Voûtes, before an easier return by the forest paths of the Bois de l'Allier.


From the La Plateforme car park, take the direction of Pas de l'Allier 3 on a forest track passing through Le Pin 1 and Micoulas 2, the path gradually narrows to the lookout point of Pas de l 'Allier, where, you can admire an exceptional panorama on the Rhone valley in particular. Then descend to the cliff side by a narrow path (be careful in rainy weather!) To reach the crossroads of the Voûtes 4. From there, begin the gradual ascent towards the Pas des Voûtes 5, from which you can admire the panorama on the Gorges de la Bourne. Continue towards La Cabane à Lili 6, on the way, a must-see belfry on Choranche and Presles invites you to contemplation before joining the parking of La Platform.
  • Departure : Parking place name La Plateforme, Saint-Julien-en-Vercors
  • Arrival : Parking place name La Plateforme, Saint-Julien-en-Vercors
  • Towns crossed : Saint-Julien-en-Vercors, Saint-Martin-en-Vercors, Echevis, and Châtelus


Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.

Golden eagle

Impacted practices:
, ,
Sensitivity periods:


The greatest caution is recommended in rainy weather, a few slippery passages and corridors of landslides between the Pas de l'Allier and the Pas des Voûtes can be delicate.

Use the passageways to cross the fences, close the gates and barriers.

Stay on the marked paths is also respect private property.

Information desks

Place Pietri, 26 420 La Chapelle-en-Vercors 75 48 22 54

Access and parking

From Pont-en-Royans, take the D531 towards the Gorges de la Bourne, passing by the Balme-de-Rencurel. After crossing the Bourne, take the D103 in the direction of Saint-Julien-en-Vercors. After the village of Saint-Julien, take the D612, then the first small road on the right in the direction of Alberts and Combettes. In Les Combettes, continue on a wooded forest track to La Plateforme (parking).

From Villard-de-Lans, take the D531 towards the Gorges de la Bourne, then the D103 towards Saint-Julien-en-Vercors. After the town of Saint-Julien take the D612, then the first right towards the Alberts and Combettes. In Les Combettes, continue on a wooded forest track to La Plateforme (parking).

Parking :

Parking place name La Plateforme

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