The Pré du Playnet via the Combe Ravier

The Pré du Playnet via the Combe Ravier

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Join the Pré du Playnet and its magnificent panorama on the eastern barrier of the Vercors.
After a departure from the charming village of Miribel-Lanchâtre, this hike between undergrowth and meadows offers you sumptuous views varied.


Departure from Miribel-Lanchâtre (parking village), take the direction of Pré du Playnet 2. Exit the Village, take the path that crosses meadows and then penetrates into forest. A nice path leads you gradually on the heights of the commune to Combe Ravier 1. The route then runs along the ridge line to reach the Pré du Playnet (panoramic view). Continue on the south by the crest of La Ferriere and get off at the Col de Soliet 3. Take the direction of Miribel-Lanchâtre and continue downhill to Vernay 4. From there, join the orientation table and enjoy its explanations on the landscape that is offered before you rally La Pierre Ronde 5 to soon see the village reached by the road.
  • Departure : Miribel-Lanchâtre (parking village)
  • Arrival : Miribel-Lanchâtre (parking village)
  • Towns crossed : Miribel-Lanchâtre, Le Gua, and Château-Bernard


Altimetric profile


Be careful in rainy weather, some passages can be made delicate and slippery!

Use the passageways to cross the fences, close the gates and barriers.

Staying on marked paths also means respecting private property.

Information desks

Mairie de Château-Bernard La Chapelle , 38650 Château-Bernard 76 72 38 31

300 chemin de Ferrier, 38650 Monestier-de-Clermont 76 34 33 40

Access and parking

From Grenoble, take the A84 then the A51 towards the South, exit at exit 12 towards Sisteron / Vif.

At Vif, take the D8 direction Miribel-Lanchâtre.

From Monestier-de-Clermont, follow the Miribel-Lanchâtre direction via the D8.

Parking :

At the entrance of the village.

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