The Bruyères
La Chapelle-en-Vercors

The Bruyères

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This pleasant patrimonial walk allows you to discover part of the sometimes painful history of the commune of Chapelle-en-Vercors.
Discover the traces of the history of Chapelle-en-Vercors, whose village was largely destroyed during the Second World War.

3 points of interest

  • The reconstruction of the village

    The start of the hike takes you past the church. Its bell-tower (listed) of the twelfth century is one of the rare buildings that escaped the bombing and the fire of the village in July 1944. If the houses all have a similar architecture, it is because they were completely rebuilt from 1948 onwards. It is in temporary buildings (some of which are still visible at the exit of the village towards Vassieux) that the inhabitants lived for six years for some, in particular the very cold winters 1946 and 47.
  • The castle Foirevielle

    A small detour through the ruins (very discreet) of the castle of Foirevielle offers a beautiful view on La Chapelle-en-Vercors and the surrounding valleys. In the ninth century, this caste motte watched the roads coming from Vassieux or the col de Rousset. The village of Bâtie de l'Orme and then of the Bâtie de Vercors huddled at his feet. It was in the twelfth century that the villagers moved the village to the present location.
  • The courtyard of the farm Albert

    Back in the village, next to the post office, the ruins of the farm Albert are also called "Cour des fusillés". On 25 July 1945, while the non-escaped inhabitants were held hostage in the school and the Wafen SS troops burned down the village, 16 young men and the schoolmaster were shot this location. To the right of the remains of the surrounding wall, a small memorial recalls these events.


Departure from La Chapelle-en-Vercors (in front of the Tourist Office), go before the town hall before turning left, then right on the right the road that allows to join Les Bruyères 1. From there, continue on the road about 200 meters before turning on the right in the direction of the crossroads Le Lauzet 2. From Lauzet, follow Les Chaberts 3 then Les Chaux 4 and turn right to reach Le Château 5. A little further on at the crossroads Sous Le Château 6, you have the possibility to return at the start of the walk directly (direction La Chapelle-en-Vercors), or to go to the ruins of Château de Foirevieille Return to the center of the village.
  • Departure : La Chapelle-en-Vercors (village)
  • Arrival : La Chapelle-en-Vercors (village)
  • Towns crossed : La Chapelle-en-Vercors



Use the passageways to cross the fences, close the gates and barriers, stay on the marked paths.

Stay on the marked paths is also respect private property.

Information desks

Place Pietri, 26 420 La Chapelle-en-Vercors 75 48 22 54

Access and parking

From the Col de Rousset, follow the D518 towards La Chapelle-en-Vercors.

From Villard-de-Lans, follow the D531 then the D103 via Saint-Julien-en-Vercors and Saint-Martin-en-Vercors, before following the D518 La Chapelle-en-Vercors.

Parking :

Parking in the village

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